ICARUS tackles resource usage in the construction sector accounting for 50% of the total material extraction.
Resource usage in the construction sector is responsible for more than 35% of waste streams in the EU.
As of 2021, the estimated level of circularity of the construction sector for the EU was of 12.4% material use rate, showing the circular economy in the sector is still at a very early stage.
ICARUS provides technological support to stakeholders of energy-intensive & construction industries, seeing them as key players for the transition to a more green and digital processes industries.
ICARUS tackles resource usage in the construction sector accounting for 50% of the total material extraction.
These new technologies will be demonstrated throughout 3 demo cases:

Upcycling of Lithium Aluminosilicate Residue
Upcycling of SRMs from urban waste cellulose
Upcycling of steelmaking slags via Carbon Capture and Storage


The environment

ICARUS’ increase of the use of secondary resources in the process industry will lead to a significant increase in resource efficiency across the value chain and subsequent reduction of CO2 emissions; reduction of waste sent to landfill will have an overall positive environmental impact.

Research & technology

ICARUS will prove the technical and economic feasibility of the use of secondary resources in the process industry leading to products with identical properties and performances as those produced using primary resources and allowing production without quality restriction, leading to technological innovation.

Circular economy

increase the level of circularity within the construction and process industries, which will have economic and environmental benefits. There would be new business opportunities and revenue flows for recycling companies – benefiting particularly SMEs – which dominate this sector of the market. On the large scale, ICARUS aims to make Europe the first digitally led circular, climate-neutral, and sustainable economy through the transformation of its mobility, energy, construction, and production systems.


Funded by European Health and Digital Executive Agency